Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Developing the Democratic Narrative

I have been trying to work on the outlines of a Democratic narrative. I am trying to find one that all Democrats can repeat 80% of the time. As Geoffrey Nunberg noted in Talking Right, if you analyze all the GOP convention speeches they all sound roughly the same. Do the same for Democrats and they are all over the place. The true hallmark of a great narrative (like the GOP) isn’t that well-spoken people like Reagan can copy it, but that people who lack charisma or speaking ability (Brownback or Bush) can repeat with ease. My goal is for it to be understood by someone with a high school education but still respected by someone with an Advanced degree. Here is my latest attempt at combining ideals and also trying to use past phrases to try and establish consistency.

Democrats believe in alternative fuel because you can be tough on the chief sponsor of terrorism when the Conservative keep us dependent on Middle Eastern oil, sold by despots and tyrants.

Democrats believe in the Right to Privacy at the end of life (Terry Shivo), in the Middle (Domestic Wire-Tapping, Credit Searches to get employed), and at the Beginning (a Woman right to choose).

Democrats believe that just as all children have a right to an education all children have the right to health care.

Democrats believe that the fight against Terrorism requires us to win over the next generation in the middles east as well as military action. The Soviet Union fell because we were strong militarily AND because the next generation wanted to be like us.

Democrats believe that a competent government balances budgets and does not borrow from its children.

Democrat believe that if a local government is overwhelmed by terrorism or disaster the Federal government should quickly be there to offer aid.

Democrats believe that government isn’t THE solution, but that a Competent government can be (one? a small?) PART of the solution.

Democrats believe in an American where every child can grow up to be President regardless of their race or gender. Because in America, even the President of the United States isn’t above the law, and is no greater then you or I.

Democrats believe that Immigration should be reformed, because Immigrants are what made America the strongest force for good in the World. Unlike in Europe all people who live here can become citizens not just guest workers, and all races and Nationalities died on September 11th, and are dying fighting for our freedom overseas today.

Democrats believe that just as welfare was reformed to give poor people a deadline to better themselves, Iraqi’s need a deadline to stand up for themselves. The GOP has abandoned this principal; but Democrats believe that deadlines force people to take action.

Because Democrats believe that if you work hard and play by the rules you should get ahead in life.


Should we turn ELITISM from an insult (those liberal elites!) into an asset? I’m thinking of it as a way to recruit college graduates. Something like "If you want to be part of the elite you need to be a liberal". Many of you may or may not be aware but the GOP for years has been floating this idea in Black and Latino neighborhoods that as you grow wealthier people become more conservative. I want to turn this around on them. I think it can only help our party to have educated better paid young people WANT to become liberals.

Any suggestion? I would only add that I think people need to remember that these phrases need to be understandable and repeatable by grandmoms, and cab drivers, but respectable to Professors and Attorneys.


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