Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Developing the Democratic Narrative

I have been trying to work on the outlines of a Democratic narrative. I am trying to find one that all Democrats can repeat 80% of the time. As Geoffrey Nunberg noted in Talking Right, if you analyze all the GOP convention speeches they all sound roughly the same. Do the same for Democrats and they are all over the place. The true hallmark of a great narrative (like the GOP) isn’t that well-spoken people like Reagan can copy it, but that people who lack charisma or speaking ability (Brownback or Bush) can repeat with ease. My goal is for it to be understood by someone with a high school education but still respected by someone with an Advanced degree. Here is my latest attempt at combining ideals and also trying to use past phrases to try and establish consistency.

Democrats believe in alternative fuel because you can be tough on the chief sponsor of terrorism when the Conservative keep us dependent on Middle Eastern oil, sold by despots and tyrants.

Democrats believe in the Right to Privacy at the end of life (Terry Shivo), in the Middle (Domestic Wire-Tapping, Credit Searches to get employed), and at the Beginning (a Woman right to choose).

Democrats believe that just as all children have a right to an education all children have the right to health care.

Democrats believe that the fight against Terrorism requires us to win over the next generation in the middles east as well as military action. The Soviet Union fell because we were strong militarily AND because the next generation wanted to be like us.

Democrats believe that a competent government balances budgets and does not borrow from its children.

Democrat believe that if a local government is overwhelmed by terrorism or disaster the Federal government should quickly be there to offer aid.

Democrats believe that government isn’t THE solution, but that a Competent government can be (one? a small?) PART of the solution.

Democrats believe in an American where every child can grow up to be President regardless of their race or gender. Because in America, even the President of the United States isn’t above the law, and is no greater then you or I.

Democrats believe that Immigration should be reformed, because Immigrants are what made America the strongest force for good in the World. Unlike in Europe all people who live here can become citizens not just guest workers, and all races and Nationalities died on September 11th, and are dying fighting for our freedom overseas today.

Democrats believe that just as welfare was reformed to give poor people a deadline to better themselves, Iraqi’s need a deadline to stand up for themselves. The GOP has abandoned this principal; but Democrats believe that deadlines force people to take action.

Because Democrats believe that if you work hard and play by the rules you should get ahead in life.


Should we turn ELITISM from an insult (those liberal elites!) into an asset? I’m thinking of it as a way to recruit college graduates. Something like "If you want to be part of the elite you need to be a liberal". Many of you may or may not be aware but the GOP for years has been floating this idea in Black and Latino neighborhoods that as you grow wealthier people become more conservative. I want to turn this around on them. I think it can only help our party to have educated better paid young people WANT to become liberals.

Any suggestion? I would only add that I think people need to remember that these phrases need to be understandable and repeatable by grandmoms, and cab drivers, but respectable to Professors and Attorneys.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Chafee lost the RI Senate, Dumbest thing ever said in a GOP primary

Lincoln Chafee Would Not Put Osama To Death! He actually said this. I heard it and couldn't believe it so I searched and got the video! Their is no way he wins the GOP primary now. I had to see if he though they said Obama (ok bad joke I heard) but no he didn't. If he does win the primary, any Dem with his head screwed on tight can run commercials "I think Osama should be tried and if found guilty get the Death Penalty!"

Here is the video link Chafee looses the election

I wonder how all those GOP interns who Markos wrote were forced to work for him feel now? RI-Sen: NRSC puts everything into rescuing Chafee I admire principal but this was suicide, I mean even John Kerry made an exception for War and Terrorism! This is great news for the Dems RI is the Bluest of the Blue States. Chafee is the only Republican who could win this seat, (Kerry won over 70% of the vote in RI, and Bush has a 19% Approval rate). We only have 5 more to go and Harry Reid is Majority leader!

Sorry for the short diary but I had to post this!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My 2006 talking points and strategies for winning the election.

1) Refer to them as the Republic Party every time you are asked.

If the reporter/pundit says "do you mean the Republican Party?" Respond "on if you mean with a small R". If the want to call us the Democrat Party we will call them the Republic Party. Respond to small insults.

2) When forced to take middle of the road positions Rebrand them as Liberal and run them as State initiatives.

An example would be. All health insurance plans issued by non-religious entities that must cover birth control for woman over 18 years old. The plan here is two folds. One I want the middle/independents to start agreeing again with positions seen as liberal. They need to start feeling comfortable with the term again and positions that have broad support are the best. Secondly I want democrats to change the issue from pro-choice/pro-life to family planning vs. pro-life. We will win this every time. Also it will bring out the extremist conservatives who oppose family planning and birth control which helps to make the GOP look bad. Liberals also need to start to run more ballot initiatives, this is part of the way conservative have built up their huge GOTV volunteer base.

3) The GOP has had success by conflating the Muslim world. The Democrats should do the same.

When talking on a personal level (not on TV say some of the following). Why are we in the middle east when the whole place has been fighting each other for 4000 years? They have been fighting each other in Iraq for 1000 years, and you thought Bush the great intellect would solve this?

4) Every time the GOP brings up fighting terrorist, Dems should respond "that’s why we need the same energy program Brazil and South Africa have".

Respond with "Saudi Arabia is a bigger funding source for terrorism then Iran or Syria and Bush and the GOP are their biggest friends. Dems want to break our dependencies on undemocratic kingdoms and crack pot dictators, the GOP wants oil company campaign cash." Ask the question if other countries can do it why are we still researching it. Dem’s hawkishness is most authentic on economic issues.

5) A Liberal aligned 527 should run commercials on Spanish language media replaying what Tom Tancredo, Michael Savage, and Shawn Hannity say all day long. Ask the question "do you want to be in the same tent with these guys?"

The GOP has won many Latinos (Bush picked up most of his Latin vote gains amongst mainly Spanish speaking Latinos) by narrow casting to them. The best way to combat this hypocritical GOP Message is to let the general public hear them. 1) The GOP does this with Michael Moore so it’s not a low blow it’s just hardball 2) The GOP will claim the Dems are playing the race card so the commercial should prominently display the line "It’s not playing a Card it’s just replaying their words! Why do conservative say these things if they don’t want them repeated?" 3) The Dems should follow up with a print add, saying they think your to stupid to notice the difference between the conservative mainstreams opinion and some fringe Democrat. Why? Because the GOP will run an add with some minor Democrat somewhere saying something offensive, and the MSM will abet them by replaying it. Thinking they are playing both sides of the story (remember Jack Abramoff’s "contributions" to Democrats?) If you know what your opponents counter attack is going to be why not cut it off? This type of attack is what 527 were made for.

6) Every Democratic Candidate needs a false accusation monitor!

As we saw in Minnesota in 2002 with the Norm Coleman campaign Neo-Cons (and now Neo-Liberals like Joe) have mastered the technique of the false accusation the so called "late hit". For those who have forgot the audio at Paul Wellstone’s funeral was digitally altered amplify the "booing". The main stream media, picked up on the altered audio being played on Talkshow host Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson, and reported it as the actual audio. All Democratic candidates need to have one guy on their campaign in the closing days who is responsible for late hit investigations. Lamont should have had a guy reading Kos and he could have had Lamont report what really happened. This would have made Joe Lieberman look foolish. Lamont shouldn’t have just reported what happened but also explain very quickly how he was able to confirm it, and then ask the reporters why they couldn’t do it? Yes in the last days of a campaign there are a million things going on, but one person needs to be there to monitor these things, and get the candidates ear. This si a good learning lesson for all Democrats be ready for the late hit.

7) State ballot initiative for the right to privacy.

I know some people will think we are playing with fire if we tried to run state ballot initiative for constitutional amendments stating there is the right to privacy. I think they are wrong. The wingnuts of course will be all over this saying that it gives the right to abortion, but what will Moderates and Independents do? Could this be a counter to the wingnut legislatures in many states? Do we really have to fear a "red tide" that mobilizes the same way the anti-gay marriage initiative worked to the GOP advantage in 2004?
The most important aspect to making this work is in selling it. We would need to have a very savvy media campaign. One that focuses on Terry Shiavo, companies selling peoples information, companies running credit searches for hiring purposes, and people feeling there is too much private of their private information "out there". We all know that this would also give woman the right to abortion, and that the Media will try to focus on the abortion aspect of the initiative. But we can and should fight this and win. The answer to the Media’s question of "isn’t this really about abortion?" Will be answered by "it’s the same as us supporting free speech but not supporting what Ann Coulter says, just that that she has the right to say it!" Any spokesperson for this initiative needs to stay on message about this.

Another reason this would work is that initiatives work because they are votes on people opinions on an issue, not their sometimes-contradictory partisan feelings. For example in Ohio, the GOP has gerrymandered a 12-6 congressional advantage, based on this one would thing it’s a very Republican state. But looking at voter registration one would see that it is really nearly a 50/50 state. Gerrymandering at the state level produces similar results, where the legislature doesn’t support laws that reflect public opinion. Polls show American support abortion by 60-40 margins. Polls also show that by 70-30 margins Americans are afraid that too much privacy is being lost. I think we could benefit by conflating the two issues.

8) Focus more on winning State Seats & we will win more US House seats!.

This goes along with the 50 States strategy. I have allot of Diaries on why winning local races matter. I have been screaming for years at BIG Democratic donors to PLEASE start giving big donations to State level PAC, 527’s, and Think Tanks. This is how Democrats won the Colorado Senate and State House. Two rich Donors got the 4 wings of the Democratic party to work together, along with seed money they provided an VOILA.
I vote for winning local races as part of the 50 State strategy. It is much cheaper to win State Senate races, and State House races, I have several of diaries on why spending on regaining local state houses makes more sense on a dollar for dollar basis. A State Senate Seat and a State House Seat Campaign in most states can be run on the order of several $100,000 verses the several $1,000,000 to win a Federal election.. Let me explain why winning the State level races are so big especially with 2010 coming up.

Winning the ONE GOP NY Senate seat would mean we could eliminate by Gerry mandering 4 GOP seats. (Staten Island, Peter Kings in LI, and 2 GOP upstate seats with Moderate Republicans. The loss of 4 Republicans and a gain of 4 Democrats is a swing of 8 seats.

Pennsylvania with 3.8 million Democrats to 3.5 million Republicans. A Democratic Governor, a Liberal GOP Senator, and which has voted Democratic in the last 4 presidential elections has 12 GOP to 7 Democrats in Congress. A Democratic legislature could make it easily 11 Democrats to 8 GOP.

Michigan is even worse 2 Democratic Senators, a Governor, and 5 of the last Presidential Elections, yet it has an 8 to 6 GOP edge! It should be 9 to 3 Democrats.
As far as Red (or rather Pink Sates) Ohio with its 12 to 6 GOP edge could be made 11 to 7 Democratic. Florida with its 16 to 8 GOP edge could be made 12 GOP 12 Democratic.
If any one is wondering why Democratic gerrymandering is less effective in the above case? It has to do with civil rights voting laws. You can’t dilute the minority vote as much to make Democratic safe seats. If you could you could make a bunch of 40+% Black Districts in VA (even in Mississippi, and Alabama!) that would be Death to the GOP. (Winning 25-30%% of the White Vote would be enough to win them!)

9) If the GOP is giving Joe Lieberman money why can't we do the same for Mr. Schlesinger?

The GOP is giving the Greens money in PA to help try and save Rick Santorum. I say fight fire with fire! Let’s give Alan enough money to get on TV. Also lets blanket evangelical churches in Connecticut with the fliers talking about how Joe is pro-choice, and all his other liberal votes! (I know may people hate this one)

10) Democrats can turn out the Black and Latino vote if they...

I will say one thing about the GOP they do woo and coddle their base. As much as it turns me off, the Republicans do know how to milk their base and give them plenty of attention. (note. Don’t confuse giving them attention, and giving them what they want). This giving them attention, even if when the GOP never deliver the goods, helps explain why in my opinion the GOP has much higher voter turn out. Now lets see how a similar action by Democrats could turn out the most loyal parts of the Democratic party. African-American and a Democratic leaning group Latinos.

The typical Democratic GOTV (Get out the Vote Operation) in Minority Neighborhoods basically work in following manner, the Candidate raises money for several months (because of Americas economic divide this usually happens outside of Minority neighborhoods). Then in the closing weeks the Candidate pops up in Black Churches and ask for them to vote for him. Now granted this work in one sense, that Democrats capture the majority of Minority voters 85%+ Black, 70%+ Latino (I know someone will say Bush got 41% of Latinos, I’m referring to all the candidates on the ballot), but it also explains why Blacks and Latinos TURN OUT IN LOWER NUMBERS! How so? Because the most common complaint many Blacks and Latinos have, is that candidates only show up when they want their vote. Yes, to be fair much of that has to do with the need to fund-raise, but voters don’t see it that way. So how do we get our Minority base voters to the polls in the same number the GOP fundies show up? I will explain some new strategies to do so.

a) Show up and ask questions. Every elected official has some interns. Bright eyed and bushy tail young people eager to volunteer. I envision a candidate announcing the following. "Every vote, and every voter counts. Once a month I am sending some canvassers into (insert minority neighborhoods) to solicit questions, comments and general opinions." The key here is not to ONLY go to Black churches. Yes in many Black neighborhoods the church is still the most powerful community center. But it’s not the only one. The other one is the hair salon/barber shop. More politics get talked about in a Black barber shop than just about anywhere ( I also know this to be the case for many Latinos because I have a good friend for the DR who own a barber shop). Bill Clinton’s popularity among Blacks soared after he played his Saxophone on the Arseniol Hall Show. I watched the show that night and I don’t even remember him saying anything on the show. I just remember that for weeks afterwards every Black person was talking about it. Arseniol ratings only represented a small number of Blacks, but the buzz

b) Clinton created was quickly spread.

It’s not the size of the gift, but the thought that counts.
Democrats need to hold fund-raisers at Minority private clubs. Sometime candidate gets entranced with large donors. After all money is a huge deciding factor in who wins elections. But the GOP has for the last 20 years also collected large numbers of small donations. Many of the people who do this are Blue Collar GOP types of modest means. They are no better off economically then the typical Black Blue collar voter. So why do they give? The GOP has mastered the art of showing up at large rural picnics. They don’t raise much at these event’s, but it makes the base feel wanted, and a part of the team. (They usually hold a big dollar fund-raiser later that night). Democrats in my opinion greatly underestimate how much money minorities, yes even blue-collar minorities posses. At time they become so focused on directing economic aid to these areas they miss out on minorities in these areas who could also donate. The GOP can get $25 dollar donations out of their Blue-collar districts we could do this also if party leaders approached it the correct way. Naked solicitation no, but a big Democratic Party Barbecue that also included information on community service along with politics. I think it would have very positive effects.

Key words:
Grand Oil Party GOP
Republic Party (not Republican)
Pork-for-donation congress
CEO and Hollywood - tax cuts
Health Care deficit
Bush disapproval rating not approval ratings
By the way Please ignore Pundits who restate Conventional Wisdom such as "Democrats need to appeal to Rural White Voters" and then don’t tell you specifically how to do it! That a little like a person saying "poor people need to make more money to enter the middle class" and then don’t say how to create better paying jobs.

If the Dems can’t find Blue Collar Liberals, how can they win them?

The DLC is correct in that voters (especially Blue-Collar) respond well to hawkish talk. The problem is they want to mimic the hawkish talk of Republicans. Alternative Energy give Dems the best opportunity to talk and sound Hawkish. Many Dems forgot that while GOP Patriotism always was about wars, manifest destiny and the like, Dem Patriotism was always about the American worker being the best in the world. In other words, economic Patriotism.

Protectionism and Buy American may seem quaint to many in the DLC establishment, but they are missing how much this type of talk let Blue Collar Elected Democrats talk Patriotically. Alternative energy gives Dems this opportunity once again. Rather than frame Alternative Energy around issue of Global warming Dems need to frame it around Economic Macho Patriotism. This is the Key to rewinning Blue Collar Liberals.

In Part One and in Part 2, I tackled the question of how Democrats can ID and win over Moderates and Independents. This Diary will be about winning back Blue Collar Whites. This Diary will talk about what and how Economic Macho Patriotism would work to do this.

Many people on this site probably haven’t even heard the word Blue Collar Liberal. As Geoffrey Nunberg writes in his brilliant new book Talking Right

Liberal have been talking about ad naseum the loss of worker class white males. But all (or most) of the discussion have been along intellectual lines. Democrat economic policies are better for the working class than Republican policies, so why would you vote against your self-interest Mr. White Working class male?. The GOP then runs emotional issues (guns, gays, God) and keeps winning amongst this group. The Dems in my opinion stopped winning White working class males when we stopped appealing to their emotions. Yes this point has also been explored (again) ad naseum so enough with the analysis how do we win them back?

I suggest we use Economic Macho Patriotic appeal wave the American flag when we talk about issues of trade. I will then explain how a Business Media Elite stopped Democrats from talking this way. Hopefully recognizing their existence will help Dems figure out ways to combat them.

1) If you don’t want the UN deciding foreign policy why let the WTO, World Bank, IMF decide our economic trade policies?

If the Dubai port scandal should have taught the Democrats anything it’s the powerful appeal of Economic Nationalism. The GOP has been fanning the flames of Anti-UN, Anti-Internationalist sentiment for years, lets burn them with their own flames. If you are a Dem. in a Red State, or worker class district, you should tie your GOP opponent to the WTO. It’s a wedge issue to split the GOP’s Blue Collar social conservatives, and their corporate elite’s. The GOP has a socially moderate economic conservative elite aligned with a social conservative economically left of center base. The GOP success owes in large part to their separating the Democrats socially liberal elite, from its social center/right working class base. We need to replicate this but with economics.

a) My opponent lets trade officials in Brussels, tell us when we can and can’t charge tariffs to protect America!
This even when the Chinese dump cheep good in America!
b) In the same way only Nixon could go to China due to millitary concerns, today only a democrat can sign a trade deal with China dealing with economic concerns. The GOP signs wimpy trade deals that don’t protect American jobs.
c) My opponent is willing to use American Military Power to further American interest, but he is afraid to use American Economic power to further our interest. If we stopped trading with "Country X" they would be hurt more than we would be. But my opponent lets them boss us around.

d) My opponent voted for a WIMPY free trade deal CAFTA.
He let his fat cat CEO donors scare him into signing it. Is he that afraid to stand up for working American.

e) My opponent won't insist that the Chinese and Vietnamese improve their labor and environmental standard because they have intimidated him.

f) If we stopped protecting the Saudi Royal family they couldn’t stay in power, yet we let them threaten us with oil if we demand they reform on human rights.
If we stopped buying their oil, they would be hurting just as much.

Now I suspect many of the "intellectual cerebral type" liberals on this site are going to go ape crap right about now. All of these statements contain generalizations, or partial truths. But if you are feeling that way you are missing the whole point. These messages are not aimed at you! These are emotional appeals, WEDGE ISSUES. The point of a wedge issue is to drive people emotions. Gay marriage is not a danger to anyone else’s marriage (does what happen to your neighbors marriage effect you) yet the GOP’s GOTV (get out the vote) operations sold it that way, not the cerebral "we want to protect traditional marriage" that their candidates said on TV.

Remember good policy still need to back up these proposed wedge issue lines. Ford Motors makes sure they have a good product when they build their trucks, and for the Cerebral buyer (think JD powers) they have all the information on horsepower, torque, mpg ect. But in their commercials to the general car buying public, they have their trucks hauling wood and riding through dirt; pure emotional appeal. That’s how you sell a product (in this case Brand Democrat)

Gephart Vs. Edwards in 2004
In 2004 one of the Democrat’s themes was a return to economic populism. The debate was who would be a better VP to reach out to voters along these lines; Dick Gephart or John Edwards? Now don’t get me wrong I love John Edwards a lot. His "Two Americas" lines are brilliant, his lines on "the GOP wants to shift taxes from capital to work" are brilliant. But that is the part of the problem. Edward's was an intellectual rather than a visceral appeal. Imagine a debate where the question was asked "We all know trade is a fact of modern life. But who do you think the Chines, Japanese, and Arabs are more afraid to see sitting across a table when negotiating a trade deal, Dick Cheney or Dick Gephart? Who do you think will fight harder for working people on trade deals?" Yes I know Edwards is a brilliant lawyer with working class roots and a populist streak, and intellectually he would be a tougher negotiator. But rhetorically and viscerally Gephart would have a struck a deeper cord.

Mark Warner’s Nascar dad appeal in winning the VA Governorship was along these lines. Making a Blue Grass song, putting campaign adds on Nascars didn’t make him change one of his policies. In fact he didn’t deviate very far from standard Democrat policies, but he made an emotional appeal to Scot-Irish rural Whites. This emotional; appeal then opened them up to his other messages.

Working Class people are more likely to fly American flags, have a higher percentage of die hard college sports fan (the type who paint there cars their cars their favorite school colors), because tribal appeals work more with them. Make trade about waving the flag, protecting the good ol’ USA and we will win them back. This was the secret to Unions and their success from 1930 – 1990. They made supporting Unions and American made manufacturing a patriotic issue. Remember BUY AMERICAN from the 1980’s (that’s also when Democrats used to win large numbers of White working class males).
Working class people are generally (or poll at higher anxiety levels) more worried about their economic future and that of their children then other American. Howard Dean’s polling showed this. But the GOP has convinced them that "nothing" can stop global trade, or current economic policies are just the way things are. So the only way to make your children’s world a better place when you can’t control the economic environment is by controlling the cultural environment. You can’t give your children a better job climate when they grow up but you can vote to keep "Hollywood, gays, non-Christians, and other scary liberal groups a way". This is how the GOP has won Working class people, the only way back in my opinion is Economic Macho Patriotism.

Democrats need to start to define it, and to start talking about it!

With all the dismal economic statistics such as record federal budget, trade, and currency deficits ever wonder why the "business media elite" don’t seem troubled. Why does the "business media elite" continue to trumpet stories about how the demise of pension is good. The loss of manufacturing is not troublesome. Large deficits at the federal level and large trade deficits are a sign of America growing faster than other nations. This is not a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theories require small cadre of shadowy individuals, rather this is a low key organized movement. I will also introduce you to groups behind it the BME and the Boomer Cons.

The starting point to understanding this movement is recognizing that there is a BME. The "business media elite" (BME) is largely responsive to one group. Wealthy Baby Boomer Conservatives or as I will call them Boomer Cons. This is a large pool of wealthy individuals, close to retirement age, and ready to exit the work force to live a life of leisure, off of their saving. The BME and the Boomer Cons are both self reinforcing in their beliefs. The Boomer Cons control the BME and the BME gives their view journalistic credence. The "business media elite" frames economic policy stories in a way that reinforces the Boomer Cons preconceived notions (tax cuts pay for themselves) rather that basing their reporting on actual observation. The BME get to generate revenue by selling ads to this large wealthy group. The BME holds a large sway over the general public who sees them as the voice of people in the know.

Progressive shouldn’t underestimate how much damage the one sided bias of the business media elite has done. President Reagan was said to have " fixed the economy", under Clinton governments "don’t create jobs". Bush’s tax cuts instead of not improving the economy "prevented a worse recession" (imagine a losing football coach claiming that if it weren’t for my coaching we would have lost the game by more points). The BME is the propaganda mouthpiece of the Boomer Cons and there is no challenge to them in the larger market place
The BME is comprised of such publications as the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, CNBC, Investor Business Weekly ect. The BME pushes a larger policy that makes the bankrupting of America irrelevant to the Boomer Cons. To understand why it is important to understand the following fact about the Boomer Cons.

A) Wealthy Baby Boomer Conservatives are leaving the "work force"

Baby Boomer conservatives believe in a simple theory. The mission of a person working years is to amass enough savings i.e. capital to survive in retirement. Sound reasonable right? We all follow this logic to some extent. But unlike the rest of us the Boomer Cons don’t care about what else happens to the USA after their work years end (other than their heirs). If the loss of manufacturing jobs means and end to upward social mobility who cares they no longer need social mobility as retirees. They are no longer working. Good paying jobs only matter if you are looking to work! People looking to acquire capital, need income generated from work, people living off of accumulated capital savings don’t. Which brings us to my next point.

B) Tax income generated from working but not income generated from capital

John Edwards pointed this out in 2004 and although I was not a big supporter of his, this point struck a cord. The boomer cons are selling the idea that taxing work and not capital will lead to higher investment levels creating a "rising tide" that lifts all income levels. Their real motives are far more self-serving. Imagine if you will that all the policies of the Forbes/WSJ tax policy came to fruition. Lets take two example.

1) Joe Blue-collar works as a plumber his wife is as a nurse. They earn a combined total of $80,000. They would pay a flat tax of 20% on income above $35,000 for a tax bill of $9,000. Combine this with payroll tax and their total comes to $13,800 with a $1,600 contribution to private accounts, this doesn’t include another $8,000 in estimated local and state taxes.

2) Now lets observe Paris Hilton
. She when turning 18 receives $30,000,000 dollars UNTAXED (no inheritance tax), she generates an estimated $2,100,000 dollars a year in interest and capital gains tax free (no capital gains tax). Ms Hilton moves to NH, a state with no state or income tax, she rents a apartment their (she is a citizen of the mobile world) thus avoiding paying local property tax (since there is no longer any mortgage interest deduction why buy?) . For a grand total of zero dollars in taxes paid.

D) Capital gain tax cuts verses decreased education spending

Most people agree that if nature of the job market place changes education is the key to future advancement. So why do the Boomer Cons oppose higher education spending. The reason is they don’t OPPOSE it, they just don’t want to PAY for it. They see America as a low cost place to generate capital, the less they are taxed the more free capital they can generate. They can then invest it overseas to earn a higher return. They don’t need to earn the higher return in the USA. This is the only rational explanation for cutting funding for student loans and not funding the President own NCLB bill. When it comes to a choice between paying for more education or low capital gains rates the Boomer cons always choose the latter. As I have blogged before.

Is a College degree or low capital tax rates more important to America?

An opening line of attacks for the Dems to reach Moderate suburban and Nascar dad voters, is our view of pro-growth versus theirs. Americans like optimism and they will vote for the candidate that promises growth over one who promises painful conservation (we are a consumer driven nation). How has the GOP sold cutting capital gains taxes to blue-collar religious conservatives who don’t directly benefit from Capital Gains Tax Cuts? They have pushed the job creating aspect of lower capital cost. But notice that because of falling tax revenue the Presidents new budgets have had to cut student loan! So…
The GOP believes Capital Gains cuts create future growth, Democrats believe a COLLEGE DEGREE creates future growth!

Which brings us all the way back to my original point on Alternative Energy. Talk to the average voter out their and gas prices are on their minds. Americans are looking for alternatives, and Democrats have a huge lead on this issue. But Democrats want to sell Alternative Energy as conservation (read: tree hugging), we need to sell it as American Nationalism. Every Dem should repeat the following:

As long as the Middle Eastern Sheiks know we have to buy Oil from them they have no incentive to change. Democrats want to stop funding these guys, an Alternative Energy is the only way to do it without hurting the economy! Republicans want to either keep sending money to the Middle East or use last century technology to keep us dependent on oil. I want to use current technology to solve our problems." This tough talking Ecomonic Macho talk in my opinion is the way to win back Blue Collar Liberals!

UPDATE The GOP isn’t seen as being isolationist. Witness Iraq. They are seen as being tough in dealing with foreign issue. In a similar light I don’t want the Dems to be seen as anti-trade, I just want them to be seen as tough on trade and trade issues. I don’t feel anti-free trade is a winner with the majority of Americans. But tough on trade deal and negotiation is!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

History: Why the Lincoln GOP abandoned Black Voters (hint: Corporate Money)
As many of you know Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. The Republican Party was the party most abolitionist called home, and after the Civil war most African Americans were Republicans. But many people are unfamiliar with just how much influence Black Republicans had in the Post civil war period. In this, the period before the Great Migration of Blacks out of the South, Blacks composed a majority of the population of Mississippi, and over 40% of the population of 4 other Southern States. In fact the two US Senators from Mississippi were African-American! Even if the in rest of the South, where Blacks were not numerous enough to project political power had fell into the grasp of segregationist, why did the GOP write off these 5 States? Why write off 10 Senators, and numerous Electoral College votes? Racism? Well undoubtedly that played a part, but not as much as many of you have been lead to think! "Big Money" was worried about two things, property rights, and land reform; concerns over these "rights" were strong enough for the GOP to abandon the Black Southern GOP. Doubtful? Lets' go on a historical journey....

Steven Hahn in his book review of Forever Free by Eric Foner and Joshua Brown writes...

Republicans took control of state government and began not only to rebuild the economic infrastructure, but also to construct new institutions of civic life..
...the South first system of public education: although racial segregated, they provided African-Americans with access to new forms of personal and community empowerment. In some states, such as South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana, where Blacks legislators sat in substantial numbers, issues of land labor, and civil rights were tackled (and in some cases carried forward) too.

But Black political power reached even higher levels than this.

In the heart of plantation districts, where large slaveholders
had once ruled, former slaves came to serve as grand jurors, councilmen, supervisors, magistrates, school commissioners, surveyors, treasurers, and even as sheriffs. In some places-McIntosh County Georgia; Edgefield County, South Carolina; Adams County, Mississippi- enclaves of genuine black power took shape.

African Americans had the opportunity to serve on trial juries, thus offering their communities avenues of grievance and measure of justice that previously had been unavailable.

So the GOP South compromised of newly free African Americans, Scalawags, and Carbetbaggers, controlled much of the South. Most Southern Governors were Republicans, and Blacks Republicans had two US Senators, and several house members. Combined with the majority Republican North and West this would have provided an unbeatable coalition for Generations. So what would be more intoxicating then political power to the Republican Party? Money! Money and property were the catalyst to the GOP abandoning the Black South. To understand how this dynamic came into play, one must first understand the consequences of General Sherman January 1865 meeting with 20 Black Ministers in Savannah Georgia, and his famous Field Order No. 15.

The Black ministers wanted the opportunity " to have land, and turn it and till it by our own labor". They also asked for the chance to " reap the fruit of our own labor, and take care or ourselves". Three days later General Sherman issued his field order, "reserving 400,000 acres of prime plantation land along the coast of South Carolina and Georgia for exclusive Negro settlement, to be divided into forty-acre plots and made available to Negro families together with the use of surplus army mules". This was the genesis of the Black populist myth of 40 acres and a mule.

Land reform had natural allies in the Republican Northern base at the time. Many people saw it as a way to break the backs of the former Confederacies upper class. Remember it was the plantation owners who bank rolled the civil war. The GOP was also full of free staters, and home steaders, who strongly backed having the "little guy" own land. But the Investment class then as now controlled the Republican Parties purse strings, these were bankers, railroad barons, Industrialist, and Trust lords. The Investor class saw the taking and breaking up of private property as a grave threat. If enemies of the State property could be confiscated it would set a dangerous precedent. In many ways this was the first red scare, a modern day Zimbabwe. Also the of 1873 was one of the USA first large national labor unrest. The Investor class was starting to be attack for price manipulation, and runs on banks were common due to a lack of public trust. (These prenatal political feeling are what eventually lead Teddy Roosevelt to break up Standard Oil and other Trust, and bring monopolies to an end). If large tracts of private land in the South were taken and given to Negroes and they were successful, where would it have stopped? Would a sort of pre-Modern Marxist idea have spread? The Investor class didn't want to take the risk. Feeling they had enough of an electoral edge already in the Northern and Western States, they were willing to compromise with their former Southern enemies.

As Steven Hahn writes

Republican governors in the South were reluctant to mobilize state militias to protect the rights of Republican voters, since many of the militiamen would be black and armed, and President Grant, a Republican, was reluctant to send in troops to shore up Republican regimes under siege. Rather than recognize paramilitary politics for what they were and attempting to defend their black allies, most white Republican leaders instead tried to cut deals with their opponents and, in the end to blame the victims for corrupt and anti-democratic practices. Appropriately, the last Republican governments in the South (South Carolina, Louisiana, and yes - Florida) fell when the contested presidential election of 1876 produced a settlement and President Rutherford B. Hays withdrew the few troops left guarding the statehouses.

While Black Republicans formed Union Leagues and Republican Party Clubs and along with the Scalawags (native Southern Republicans) and Carpetbaggers (Northerners who moved in) debated the issues; most White Southerners organized in a different way. The Ku Klux Clan, Red Shirts, White Christian Leagues and other White Militias tried to make a mockery of the electoral process. They called Republican rule "Negro Rule" and then set about intimidated White Republicans, assassinated Black leaders, and even setting up dual governments. They refused to accept the ending of their cherished racial hierarchies.

So when did Reconstruction end? Most history books cite the toppling of the Republican Governments of South Carolina, Louisiana, and Florida. This is wrong on many fronts. The Republican Party again regained control of Southern States with the help of the Readjusters (an insurgent movement based on state debt issues). Along with their Black Republican allies the GOP took control of Virginia and with Populist they took control of North Carolina. Blacks at this point could still vote in large numbers, held state and national offices, and the threaten intervention of Federal troops kept the Racist Southern Democrats from total political hegemony. Therefor Southern White Supremacist associates the end of Reconstruction not with the withdrawal of Federal troops, but with the disfranchisement of Black Voters in the 1890's and the following decade.

Poll taxes, Jim Crow laws, all were argued as needed to defend American Capitalism and property rights. Moderate and Conservative Republicans, who shared the views of manufacturers and bankers, along with border state White Protestants who shared some of the South social and cultural views, took charge and defined its limits. They supported the abolition of slavery (factory owners wanted free labor), national citizenship, consecrated the equality between the law and the right of contract, and proclaimed the sovereignty of the federal government. But land reform was rejected.

As is true now the Investor class GOP is all for moral crusades until it threatens their business interest. Many Social Conservatives are dismayed that the Economic Conservatives are abandoning them over stem cell research, and immigration. They feel they fought and won elections and compromised on tax cuts and trade in order to pursue their social agenda. How can the Investor Class who they though were fellow conservatives betray them now? They should ask the Black Republicans of the post civil war period. They were sacrificed in order to protect the property rights of the elite. The GOP left their former Black allies to suffer in the Jim Crow South for 70 years. So when Northern Democrat Liberals starting with Eleanor Roosevelt began to agitate for greater freedom for African Americans, they were ready to "jump the broom" and enter the Democratic coalition as their most loyal constituency.

Works cited TNR, and Forever Free

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How affordable housing, sprawl, and property taxes can be winning issues for Dems.

Sprawl is an issue everyone is concerned about but few have any answers to or new ideas. On the other hand most sprawling metropolitan areas have a center city with little affordable housing that is driving people to the suburbs, which is exacerbating the sprawl problem. A winning issue for Democrats in local elections is to make housing more affordable in urban areas to mitigate this flight. A novel way to encourage more growth in the Urban housing supply is to increase the land-tax portion, while decreasing the building-tax portion of property taxes. Let me explain how this simple change could make a large difference in urban housing.
Let me explain how this would help. All property taxes are assessed by combining the following two components. First the municipality assesses the value of the land, based on its location, a tax rate based on the value is then charged. Next the value of the building on the property is assessed and is taxed at a given rate. The two amounts are then added together and a final tax bill is given. In a typical city 80% of the property tax rate is based on the building, only 20% is based on the land lot. I will use the figure of a $100,000 house extensively to make the math easier, recognizing that today for most of the country $100,000 house is not realistic.

For example on a $100,000 house (of the total property value Land is $20,000, building is $80,000)
Property tax rate = (Land Value x taxrate) + (Building Value x taxrate)
Property tax rate = ($20,000 x .02) + ($80,000 x.02) = $2,000/year

The current system usually leads to a number of problems. Imagine two identical lots side by side to each other, each with ramshackle apartment buildings equally valued. The two lots would have equal value and the land part of the taxes would be equal. Now image that on the first lot someone improves the ramshackle building, and builds serviceable housing, improving the value of his or her house. Lets say their good effort doubles the values of their building. Their " reward " would be a sharply higher tax rate. In effect the city would penalize them for making home improvements!

For example on a house now valued at $160,000
Property tax rate = (Land Value is constant x taxrate) + (Improved Building Value x taxrate)
Property tax rate = ($20,000 x .02) + ($160,000 x.02) = $3,600/year

Now imagine if the ratios were reversed, 80% based on land 20% based on the buildings value. The landlord who improves their place would still see a tax increase but not as great of one. The remaining ramshackle hut would now see a higher marginal tax rate for leaving his or her building in disrepair, but no actual tax increase. The same rules of value lots based on their location would still apply. A small house in a working class area of the city land-tax, would still be valued less than the land under a McMansion in a posh area of town. The major difference would be that if two small houses lay next to each other the owner who fixes up his place wouldn’t be penalized as much for it

For example on the $100,000 house
Property tax rate = (Value of the land x taxrate) + (Building Value x taxrate)
Property tax rate = ($80,000 x .02) + ($20,000 x.02) = $2,000/year

For example on the improved $160,000 house
Property tax rate = (Land Value x taxrate) + (Improved Building Value doubled x taxrate)
Property tax rate = ($80,000 x .02) + ($40,000 x.02) = $2,400/year

In the above example the owner who improved his property, still saw an increase but much less of one than that under the current tax regime. The other owner who chose not to fix up his building saw no tax rate increase so he or she really doesn’t care!
Now this tax fix can also create its own problems so its not suited for every environment. I will list some ground rules for when or where it would be ideal.

Cities with lots of undeveloped lots or empty buildings

Under the current system speculators are rewarded for not building . By leaving the land empty they pay a lower proportional tax rate than developed land. Under the current system they face no penalty for leaving their land empty and therefore often do. A property developer is actually penalized for improving his house because his taxes will face a commensurate increase.

For example on empty lots
Currently (values based on 20% land 80% building)
Property tax rate = (Value of the unused land x taxrate)
Property tax rate = ($20,000 x.02) = $400/year
New System (values based on 80% land 20% building)
Property tax rate = (Value of the unused land x taxrate)
Property tax rate = ($80,000 x.02) = $1600/year

The land speculator above would see a four-fold tax increase! Land speculation would become more expensive to pay for the tax increase this investor would have to but his land to work more quickly.

Densely populated cities

For land to be taxed more than buildings a scarcity of lots need to be a factor. In rural areas where land is more plentiful and therefore cheaper, higher land-taxes would not be effective. In areas where land is at a premium (where the old adage "location, location" is in effect) the land should be charged this premium not the building.

Areas with lots of multi-unit apartment buildings

Although I used single family units in my examples a land-tax work better for apartment buildings because the owners are more likely to be investors. When landlords make improvements they tend to raise rents to recoup their expenses. One of the increased expenses they attempt to recoup is the increased property tax. This is why landlord improvements are often a mixed blessing for tenants. They love the improvement but hate the increased rents. By making the buildings value less of a factor in the tax rate this would tend to lower any rent increase.

Business with large land use requirements would need special exemptions

The classic example of this is a car dealership. No one could legitimately argue a car dealer isn’t putting his land to good us. On the hand the car dealers parking lots require lots of area with his actual building little taking up relatively little area.

Let me make some final points. The aim of this new tax ratio is to encourage the building or improvement of housing in existing urban areas. Areas attempting to slow growth would not benefit from this system in fact it would have the opposite effect of encouraging growth. This could also be sold in many areas as sprawl control, and would make a center city mayor quite popular with the surrounding Suburban dwellers, acting as a jumping pad to higher office. This plan could also be quite affective in densely populated states like New Jersey. I also need to acknowledge the effect growth ordinances have on stifling housing stock growth thus driving up housing prices, that is a problem that needs to be addressed locally in a different manner. Finally talking about tax incentives as a Democrat allows us to challenge the GOP on what is normally their turf.


I first heard of this idea from a professor tenured at a University in Pennsylvania, I believe it is U-Pittsburgh I will attempt to research it and post and update.
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